A study in the way the Goddess/muse/witch/love/woman has guided the world, society and man through their journey, through their tribulations, through their questions of existence, their purpose, and finally their true selves. For the artist, the goddess is everything around them. The flowing, colorful energy that surrounds us and moves us to do great things. That soft voice in our minds and hearts that make us the hero on the journey, or the villain in our own paths. The story begins with the understanding that their is a prison of mind and body and soul, that the Goddess brings first to light in (She's no prisoner). Followed by the quest one must take on that journey as the goddess guides with color and music. (What lies between). For the hero, self power, must be attained to reach the higher levels of the quest,( Second Ring of Power), and desires of the ficticious or unnattainable must be released. (Margot). One journey along the path is the dark night where the hero must confront himself, and in turn be revealed as he truly is, or fall back from the midnight mountain he reluctant to climb.(Luna). In the end he finds himself whole, bringing back a new form (a combination of Goddess and God), represented by the 2 faces merged, painted and seeing the world anew. well this is where I am so far.......Lump over the head.