He didn't know where to go next. Scratching his head. A music, lingered in front of him. A pointing finger of a tune, taps away on the drum. He pulls in the painting. Examining the impasto, and realizes where the light is truly coming from. The inspection proves infallible to his understanding of the lines, the symbols, the colors. Everything had it's source and completion.
A pause in the song, brings new thoughts. A chess board waiting patiently for a phone call. He knows where the others are. On the mountain waiting for his arrival. He's never left anyone behind, and always pushes for the path of light. I remember Us lost once on a few planets, this particular one, remnants of the last scene of the original Planet of The Apes. A tribe of us had decided to find the spot.
The edge of everything.
The sojourn lasted days, if not weeks. Definitely hours. Through jungle, concrete, and pinnacle where cactus live. The edge seemed unrefined, yet at the water's lips. A short run down the side of the mountain, to find this place where the gods peeled back the orange skin of the blue earth. A long beach awaited us. Stones, fallen branches, and dust paved the way, until the sun found it's first touch of ground with rays.
That marked the spot. No x. Just a sunburnt spot.
The edge.
The six of us stumbled upon it while in the midst of the all that was happening. A hologram at first, then form. When we arrived, everyone's experience was different. In essence, their interpretation of the experience, was personal. Mine was,"The Orange and The Beach", a metaphor for what i saw that day. After that , I couldn't not remember much after.
But, what i remember stayed with me forever. When you watch them with new eyes. Those eyes of a child, eyes of a newborn. The world, and everything in it, new. When you traverse the plane of “existence” as with this vision: a combination of the universal mind at large, without the "human filter," you are transported to a new self awareness, a new self reality. Beyond the confines of human training. A literal melting of the programmed self. Only those that have taken these steps outside the normal realms of experience can begin to understand what is at hand here. The degenerates thrive here. The poets hear this place. Musicians copy their tempo.
Throughout history, from.the time of the vedas, whom knew more than most through their meditative practices about the meaning of that other place and it’s hidden worlds. With or without the use of the substances left behind by the gods, "the nefilim, anunnaki, the giants, the elders". They have had many names throughout history. Many incarnations. But also left on the earthly plane the plant and fungal blueprints for those who truly wandered outside the paths taken by the many. The hidden path. The road less travelled.
We are always floating in the universe. Standing on the stars. How did most forget, i do not know. I do actually, or at least have an idea how it slowly took its time to cover their eyes.
I used to believe that secret groups wanted to keep this knowledge hidden from the masses, but, i'm not sure anymore. Im at the point know that maybe most don't really want to know the truth. The real, real truth of it all. Most don't want to take the plunge into the unknown. The dive into the abyss. The pluck out of the body.
I say this, only because on many occasions when i do tell people about my experiences and all that i’ve had seen, (well some of what i have seen,there is too much to speak of). It seems that most lose interest. Trapped within the percieved confines of existence. Wake up, work, eat, sleep. Ocassionally fuck. As if that was all there was to this. There is more. So much infinitely more than this.
But, on the inner walls of the pyramids, on the steps of the vatican, even within the pages of the holy manuscripts of the bible, these evident truths are scrawled, painted, hidden within the lines of text for all to see. But most dont bother to look at the illuminated manuscripts for what they teach us. Only seeing the ink on the page. The nice drawings on the wall.
How did all this become to be the way of living? I don't and cannot grasp anymore. Once you cross over, there is no back road to normalcy. You can only "act", as Shakespeare put it. For once you see behind the curtain, all the world is truly a stage. We are “actors”. This is me ranting, but i used to think humanity wanted the truth. Problem now was that the universe showed them what the "truth" was and what the people thought was the truth, wasn’t”.
And so there we are, closing in on "the edge". No map, only intuitions to help us along the way. Closer to the spot where Heston knew. Where they left that literal lady liberty herself. At the end of that beach that took us days (hours)to find. You see, the beach didnt exist on the map, they left for everyone to find. It wasnt there, yet all the clues led us here.
Let me.explain....
There are entry points for groups to enter into a shared experience of the other side. When i say shared, i mean everyone is together crossing, but still experiencing their personal journey simultaneously. Everyone is a driver on this bus, but everyone's ride is different.
But, there is.more to the "sides". Its more of a revealing of layers that normally wouldn't be seen by "the sleepers".