It took so long to get here tonight. The sign-ins. The passwords. The pathways. He told me all of this, a long time ago. At random,” to keep writing”. I thought he was from the future. But, he lives among us. In our time.
Like an old, distant, friend of mine. Whom I had not seen since way back when. Then, just like that, there we were. We had just landed on 14th street, and began walking around. In this sunlight. Amongst the pedestrians. The heat coming up from the freshly laid concrete patches on 1st ave. These were the 90’s. The Abrahams of plentitude. A bacon egg and cheese was in order.
When traveling to these parts, one must be wary of the delights of mankind. The sandwiches, the cotton stores everywhere. The smell of petroleum. The sanity of printed meat menus that mellowed out the disgust of the background. The only true sun, of sons, that shone down upon our everyday intermittent attitudes of the altitudes they were accustomed to talk about.
We got down to business. Beside us, them bees buzzed between their booths. Busy they consumed their consumees. As such was their custom.
The words, EAT and SHOP where everywhere. Unbeknownst to the other walkers. Sale means “Exit” in spanish. What where they trying to say?
What did all the words mean? Were they at least signals of some sort? We didnt have much time to learn its secrets.