They couldn't control the sun. Everyone would know about the things that floated in the ocean of space soon enough. The plan to conceal the outer worlds was failing, They sat, wondering what was being served for lunch. Thirteen men and thirteen women, humans, from different backgrounds and lineages. Old and young, different shades and hues . blue eyes, brown eyes. It didn't matter anymore. Some kind if Salmon salad. This wasn't about race. This was about humanity. The workforce that they had had a hold on for centuries. Is it Atlantic or farm raised? A millennium or ten. Who knows at this point. Probably with croutons, and a light dressing. They only knew what their positions were, and what was to be done to keep the masses in check.
Do they have that gruyere? It was easier in the 1900's and before. Every now and then, they would start a fictitious conflict. They knew that it was all perspective. The media always helped greatly with this. It didn't matter what country you were presently sitting in, they always had an enemy for you to worry about. It didn't matter what side you were on. These were merely mirror reflections for them. How about a soft Merlot? Manipulations, mind games, and mnemonics, merely a mystery to most. Not to the people sitting in the room. Propaganda, was the greatest gift they ever received. They knew this to be mankind's greatest problem. The other person in a room, far, far, away. They began with the salad.
Animals don't have this issue. They don't hate other animals cause you tell them that the other animals did something wrong. They go on living. People don't. People worry, People talk, People gather, and People magazine sells them the same story, month after month, year after year.
I once took two years worth of a few different magazines. Layed them out and studied them from cover to cover. Looking for patterns in pictures, collage in chaos, calligraphy in concepts. You know what I found? The same story. Over and over. All the magazines didn't even bother to come up with anything new. They just ran the same story, with different wording, placing. Pictures. Photos of people doing things that you wish you were doing. Places that most have never seen, and never will, cause it is easier to look at a picture. Than read a thousand words while riding on a plane or a boat to that unknown destination.
This went even further, as I continued my study. I began first by lining up just the same months, but a few years at a time. Almost without a hitch, the covers and insides were the same. Well of course they were. That's what the magazine was selling. But what is it telling us?
I am not naming one magazine in general. But, I knew what it was without saying it out loud. It was the same reason I stopped watching television all those years ago. It is the same reason everyone hates watching the television.Yet , they still watch it. To see their program. To watch their programming. To be Programmed. To be Pro. Orwell's nightmare. Or was it Goebbels' dream? Who can tell at this point.
In the beginning, like everything else that is pure, there were no commercials. No breaks in programming. No need to sell the listener or the viewer an unnecessary product. The program sold an idea. Today, these interruptions are everywhere. Every program is now half of what it was a decade prior. Meaning, every hour of programming is half an hour of program, half an hour of commercials. Yin/Yan, half and half of Gandalf, half full and half empty glasses sitting side by side, confusing half minded people about the dangers of eating whole foods. If the day was like this, you would spend the sun hours watching programming, and the night time watching commercials. They are there whether we like it or not. Redundant platters for hungry masses looking for that next hit of the solyent tofu. The next feasting of the fleshy, formaldehyde fonts dripping down off the direct tv onto the formica.
Patterson went to pick up his medications. The tic tacs were low so he needed to replenish. He knew it was all just sugar, but he enjoyed the flavor of those tiny, concrete pills. The labs had perfected the taste, making it easier for one to take their medicine. No need for pharmacies, no doctors. This new method was designed to keep everyone medicated from infancy. first soda pop shops, now candy stores. No more simple white boxes, and small lettering. Its was all flashy colors and bold names like, whatchamakallit, and kit kat, and menthos, zagnut and skor. Sexual names and chocolate, a perfect match.
Chemistry in the early 1900's had taken leaps never seen before. Compounds were constantly being mixed and tested to see their results. What they found early on was that children loved crunchy foods, and also felt a connection and comfort in soup. So cereal was designed with that in mind. What better way to get the youth hooked on sugar meds than with a "healthy dose" every morning.. it didn't stop there. They wanted everyone on it. Toothpaste was the answer. What better way to get sugar and now flouride into people's bodies, with there consent? Make it the first thing you have to do in the morning. at least three times a day, if you have the time. An apple a day too. Let's not forget Eden while we are here. Keeps the doctors, the sinners, and the snakes away.
Sugar and salt were secretly the worlds biggest commodity. The way through everyone's heart. The password through any firewall. Fuck grains of sand. If you understood the power of the dark side of these grains, you would understand how to control 10 billion people. People don't eat sand on purpose. Children, adults and even dogs eat sugar and salt. Except you never hear anyone talk about it. Common as cold air, if blinking was the bread, then breathing would be the butter. They even had chemical versions of both, but nothing beats the real thing, baby. At one point sugar was made from then corn, but it simply wasn't strong enough so they had to process it even further. Who knew what the world was like before these discoveries. The cocaine of coffeehouses. Then came the synths. First aspartame, which actual is found in asparagus, naturally, the tame part, well that's still unknown. Then came the cousins, the pink dose, the blue dose, in cute packets. What happens when you combine Domino with Dominoes?
The walls outside are covered with them. The trains, the cars. Even people walk around with Brands on their clothes. You know what was branded first? Animals. So that other people would know who owned them. Like Ford with the assembly line, things caught on. Or did they? What would you write if you owned a newspaper? What would you show if you owned a TV station? What would you play on the radio, given the chance? What if you knew that millions of people were out there, listening, watching? Changing channels. Streams of other people's ideas, flowing out to your brain.
The first image to be put through a television was a skull. Death. Imagine that. A large death symbol, projected over space and radio waves into your brain. that was a hundred years ago. Today the screen you watch is broken up into 1000 miniature screens, all projecting a collection of images, that you see on your side as one. What if one of those miniature screens within the larger screen was altered? I don't suppose that any person will catch that at 100 frames per second.
The people in the room knew. They always did. They knew that the young inventor of the Iphone didn't allow his own children near those devices. They knew about Goebbel's plan to control the masses and divert them from their ordinary lives. They knew about MKultra, the Majestic 12, LSD, the hippie movement, guggenheim, and the Tavistock Institute. They always had to know the plans, in order to implement them to the proper services, groups and organizations. The people in the room, were known as The Arcane. Most people didn't know about them, some only heard stories, few had actually seen them alone, and no one has seen them all together. This was the way it always had been done, and was the plan to always do it. A small group of people, running the lives of a large group of nations, countries, and continents. When something was tilting too much one way, they would step in with a "solution," to the problem. Most of the time, the tilting was done by them. Followed by the "answer".
But, people were catching on. People were waking up. The air, which was mixed with different chemicals, was losing it's power over them. You can spray things only so much, before they become immune to it. The following generations growing stronger with every breath. This was ecology. This was evolution. This was the beginning of the revolution of the new minds. But, like the process of the single cells to the sapiens, time was a factor. This was the strength of the Arcane. It wasn't what they did for their own lifetimes. But what they did that continued the seamless control over the masses throughout many lifetimes. Decades. Centuries. Eons.
The Arcane, started in a small room much like any room, anywhere in the world. It started as an idea, as a myth, as a way to better their own lives. Much like any family would. Much like the Mafia, the postal service, and the CIA. The point was to have an agenda that benefited the group, and find a way to keep that going. Much like any empire, there are always a group in the middle of that, which spread the truths and doctrines which support the empire. The regular people never knowing. As soon as they do, the doctrines or truths change.
The group grew faster than it thought it would. It moved locations when people became suspicious. They used their sources in all fields of science, religion, military, and media to keep the momentum going, and keep their movements secret. It's members where first family, then close friends, then as they grew, people in power, until they were putting people in power themselves. But the center always remained intact. The 26, could be chosen by the previous 26. These positions were for life, but successors where chosen early on, for those certain cases where accidents may happen, or secrets were divulged to the wrong parties......