First make sure your volume is on. So i'm still learning how to make gifs and I figured hey why not make them with music? This one is called HotRocket(Snippet). The vid is a snippet of the song. The music is ours, Strangebird, but I do not own any of the images. This video is only for my educational purpose. I just wanted to see how it would look with a little music. So enjoy and like if you like and don't if you don't but I'm always open to converse and learn more, so leave a comment. and thanks.
Oh' Cyan.
maybe it is us, wavy lines.
pushing through sand,
coming up empty,
an ancient shell,
a memory.
How Do You Feel? (Little Gif/vid) for educational purposes. (I don't own images) music by strangebird.
First make sure your volume is on. So i'm learning how to make gifs and I figured hey why not make a little longer one with music? So. I did another one. This is a song called How do you feel? The vid is a snippet of the song. The music is ours, Strangebird, but I do not own any of the images. This video is only for my educational purpose. I just wanted to see how it would look with a little music. So enjoy and like if you like and don't if you don't but I'm always open to converse and learn more, so leave a comment. and thanks.
So i'm messing around, making this gif.........When I noticed something in the background.
So I'm messing around, making this gif at around 11pm tonight. The usual, learning and going as I play around. I'm trying to figure out things in photoshop with color and different backgrounds. I think a video I saw about Terry Gilliam and animation really set this week off for me. Looking at this, I realized think I got Gilliam's bounce in, that one sees in most of his animations.. So, as I am about to close and save the GIF, I realize something. First, that they are bouncing from left to right, but that they are bouncing two sets of words. Secondly, but most important, what was one the sides and in the background that struck me as odd. As I had never seen that part of the background before. I immediately saw the eye, and read the words, which where placed there and in the movie. All I'm saying.