So I finally finished Frida. the others where finished but drying, and still I feel like I need to update my camera just for the camera. Which pretty much sucks. Thanks Iphone. In all fairness, I did drop it a thousand times. Moving along. So here she is with all her glory. As for the other pieces, well, I felt the it literally took me this long to get as close as possible to their actual look in pictures. But the Goddessey continues, and i took a break last night to finish a piece that was in Ruby's closet for a year(or longer). I stayed up late last night working on this guy, ( and doing other smaller pieces which I will post up soon. He speaks to me, and I hope he speaks to all of you. Oh last night was the final episode of Mr. Robot. I watch it through the internet, and I urge all of you to watch this show. This season ending episode, puts all questions of the season to rest. But, I'll leave it up to you guys to watch. Some of these pieces will also be available in my shop, so make sure to pay a visit later on today. Ill keep painting.
So i'm messing around, making this gif.........When I noticed something in the background.
So I'm messing around, making this gif at around 11pm tonight. The usual, learning and going as I play around. I'm trying to figure out things in photoshop with color and different backgrounds. I think a video I saw about Terry Gilliam and animation really set this week off for me. Looking at this, I realized think I got Gilliam's bounce in, that one sees in most of his animations.. So, as I am about to close and save the GIF, I realize something. First, that they are bouncing from left to right, but that they are bouncing two sets of words. Secondly, but most important, what was one the sides and in the background that struck me as odd. As I had never seen that part of the background before. I immediately saw the eye, and read the words, which where placed there and in the movie. All I'm saying.
JOnny ROtten spitting stars!!!
gif a man a gif and he'll gif for a day. gif a man how to gif and he'll gif for............
Paul is Dead, who's the Walrus. Am I the Eggman? part 1
The Fool(on the hill), is well about Paul Mccartney. Or Faul Mccartney, and the conspiracy to replace original Paul (who was in an accident of sorts or murdered), depending on where you get your information from. To be replaced with a man known as Billy Shears. Whether or not if the story is true, it goes deep down the rabbit hole. At the time of this, the Beatles where on a sort of haitus, and I believe recording their next album. According to the stories, Paul either dies or disappears or is assassinated. A replacement is necessary, and they have a look alike contest. A young gentleman of the name BIlly Shears wins the race and is introduced in Seargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club album. With The Beatles donning new haircuts and moustaches. Are they trying to hide appearances?
The story goes even further when you begin to dissect the album cover itself. Then there are the songs. I will post more about that later. But go enjoy this video and the series, it's all quite entertaining. There is more. But I'll give you this much to get you started on that magical mystery tour.
Blows my mind every time I think about it. Oh Tavistock.....